#Leo learns NOTHING
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Counting to Three: Holding it Together PT. 1 (TMNT 2012)
@tmnt-write-fight Attack For @dorky-pals
A big thank you @awildaspenappeared for helping me write this!
Author Note
Author has compulsions and used bits of their own experiences in this.
I will probably move this to A03 When I can make an account.
Leo had to count to three. One, two, three. His brothers all accounted for, it kept them safe. He was sure of that until suddenly Donatello wasn't present and he panicked.
What follows are tense arguments, strains between the brothers, a fight gone bad and Leo and Donnie have a spat. Need for space vs need for safety.
An IDW event almost becomes canon because Leo and Donnie get caught out after bitching for a couple hundred words.
Word count: 2,388
One.. Two.. Three..
Red.. Orange.. Purple..
Raph.. Mikey.. Donnie..
The headcount loop Leo often found himself stuck in over, and over, and over throughout the day, finding himself only leaving the dojo of the lair to make sure everyone was still alive and safe. There were a few rooms the teen would check consistently, Donnie’s lab, the living room, the kitchen and Mikey and Raph’s bedrooms.
It turned into a routine, a force of habit. He would tell himself it was necessary, not wanting it to be a big deal so it was simply something to assure they were safe. It never changed from hour to hour however, one, two, three, his brother still in their usual spots, getting nothing more than a glance at most usually when he would check their space. Unless Mikey was in his room rather than in the kitchen, the youngest would sometimes try to pull him into conversation. He was smart with it, always having Leo participate in something that kept him there for more than a minute. It was sneaky but.. nice. It was the most normal feeling-thing as of late.
Unfortunately, his brother wasn’t ready to enter the dojo again, not that Leo could blame him. The empty shrine where what little pictures Splinter originally preserved being empty now made this all the more real. His room was still untouched but just the knowledge that Splinter had never reopened that door in the dojo was a haunted thought.
This day was no different, Leo had done the headcount religiously, only leaving the dojo to do so. Looking around as he made his usual rounds. One. Two. Three? Surely he just made a mistake. There had to be three. He needed to check again, there just had to be three! Where did his brother go? One: Raph was lounging in the living room, comic on his lap and Chompy on his plastron trying to follow along.
Two: Mikey was in his room and was once again flipping through a scrapbook Leo knew was filled with photos of them and Splinter. Icecream Kitty’s bowl resting next to him, as Mikey showed the cat every image he had, giving a brief story for each. Three? Donnie’s lab was empty. And he hadn’t seen the other leave it since Splinter’s death unless it was for patrol or food. Forcibly at that!
Leo kept trying to tell himself he was overthinking, that things were fine, but the only other places he could think to look were the bathroom and kitchen. Maybe the other just got hungry. He kept telling himself, that was until he was faced with another empty room. No. No, no, no, no, no, no. He can not lose anyone else. Not again! He’s already lost his father. And his brother had already been dead once!
The living room wasn’t too far away. Leo headed over to Raph with vigor. “Have you seen Donnie?!” He asked frantically, looking around the room just in case he missed sight of his tallest sibling somehow.
“Leo, you are taking this whole, checking on us thing way too far.” Raph replied as he lazily turned a page. Chompy let out a churr, which would have the teen stop reading and pet the little guy. “He probably just needed some fresh air, you know like most people? If you could call a mutant turtle a person.” He snarked, sarcasm and wit dripped from his words pooled on his tongue, ready to poison the next. He hadn’t seen the other leave but he had other things to do than babysit his immediate younger twin brother.
“Raph this isn’t funny! What if something happened? He would have told us if he left wouldn’t he?” Leo sputtered out quickly, his hands gesturing and moving aimlessly as he spoke. It felt wrong without the count being completed, his anxiety rising rather quickly. He had to finish the count but he couldn’t do that without Donnie… What was he saying? He was worried for Donatello’s whereabouts, not just that a sequence was finished.
It didn’t take long for Leo to leave Raph to his own devices, going to see if their youngest brother had seen Donnie. Mikey sitting up from his bed as his door was opened, “Hey Leo, weren’t you just in here?”
“I was Mikey,” Leo would pat his little brother's head lightly, trying to hide his anxiety. “Have you seen Donnie anywhere?” “No, but maybe he made himself smaller with some of his chemicals and sciency stuff! Oh! Oh! Or maybe he managed to make an invisibility ring, like the one I have in Mazes and Mutants!” Mikey would exclaim, grinning ‘ear to ear’ or well more accurately tympanum to tympanum.
Leonardo didn’t know if that was possible, but then again, they were just in space for six months fighting in situations that were arguably even less possible. What if Mikey was right! No that was ridiculous- but he has been right about oddities before! This was enough to kick his anxiety into high gear, making him check every room in the house again, “Donnie! Where are you?!” Leo would call out as he looked, soon getting to the one room that didn’t pass his mind to even check, the door opening before he could even reach for the handle.
“Why is it so loud out here?” Donnie would ask more groggily, his blanket loosely draped over himself. He had overwhelmed himself with all the work he was giving himself to do, finally allowing himself to get some rest. Unfortunately for him that was short lived by his brother's anxiety.
“Donnie! Are you okay? You look like shell, where were you? You weren’t in your lab or the living room!” Leo would start mother hen Donnie, his hands on his younger brother's shoulders as he spoke.
“Did you forget I have a bedroom?” Donnie asked, his eyebrow ridge raised, moving to cross his arms as he looked down at his older brother.
“You normally aren’t there- I-” Leo would start to explain to Donnie, realising how ridiculous it probably sounded now that it was being said out loud.
“You could have checked there- listen Leo, your constant checking is getting worse, it feels like every few hours-,, no, every hour at this point you are checking on all of us.” Donnie would start to explain however soon hear his twin speak, cutting him off an annoyed sigh escaping Donnie.
Raph chiming in with an, “An hour is generous Donnie.” A more annoyed tone of voice, standing at the end of the hallway leaning against the doorframe.
Donnie rolled his eyes waiting for Raph to be done before giving a “anyway what I am trying to say is it feels like it is turning into-.. or has turned into a compulsion. Well they are hard to deal with they can be helped if-"
"I don't need help! They, they aren't.. compulsions or whatever. I'm simply checking that none of my brother's are in danger. I-I” Leonardo would stop himself from being too vulnerable with his brothers, seeming too weak. “I promised Splinter to keep you all safe and so far my ‘checking’ has!"
“Leo, your ‘checking’ only feels like it is helping because it is a safe constant, when you experience compulsions, from in this case a large change. It is to avoid negative outcomes that may not even be real, they are in an unhealthy way to relieve stress and-” Donnie would grow more annoyed when he was cut off again. The mixture of being sleep deprived, overstimulated and cut off making him want to yell.
“Donnie, stop. None of that is true. Have you eaten? Last time I checked on you, you hadn’t.” Leo would try to deflect the situation off of himself, it wasn’t true after all! The other was pushing his buttons in the worst ways right now and he didn’t know how much more of his pushing he could take.
“We aren’t kids anymore Leo, we know how to handle ourselves.”
"You?! You know how to handle yourself? You can’t even take care of yourself without constant reminders to step away from your childish tinkering!” “As if you’re much better. You can’t cook anything but ramen yourself.”
“What? And you can do better?” “Actually, yes I-” “And what about how you are always the first to get hurt in every single damn fight we have?” “Oooooh, Leo swore!” Mikey chimed in, trying to ease the tension, standing at his door with Icecream Kitty’s bowl in both hands. “Leo! That is not fair-” “Fair? There is no fairness in combat. You have to be the very best or you’ll end up dead. Again!”
“Do you want to fight with a literal stick?”
“I’d do it better than you.”
“Then how about you do it!” Donnie unsheathed his bō staff from his holder and shoved it into Leo’s hands harshly before he made for the lair exit.
Leo would stare at the bō staff quietly, he knew how to react when Raph acted like this, but he didn't expect it from his other brothers! He soon snapped out of his thoughts as he watched Donnie walk away. He started to move to follow his brother.
Raph could sympathize with how his brother felt here, so he would move and hold Leo back. “Leo, let him blow off some steam,” seeing himself in Donnie as Donnie walks off.
“What? No! I can't just- Donnie come back!” Leo yelled after him, he didn't know what else to do, he can't handle himself, he's been too vulnerable lately. Everything was wound tightly on a coil he meticulously upheld. Yet he could only watch as it unraveled before him, in a mess of emotions.
Leo however would ignore Raph's attempt at stopping him from going after their brother, leading to him nearly getting tackled by Raph. He pushed his brother away, Mikey carefully grabbing onto Raph's arm. Mikey could not have another brother leave right now. “Do.. Do you want to bake something with me?”
Donnie found himself traveling to the place he usually goes to find materials for his creations, the scrap yard. Tired eyes surveyed around at the broken parts littered around in their janky, uneven piles.
He didn’t have his usual mental list of things he was hoping to find, he mostly just wanted to get away. Tinkering with technology, figuring out chemical solutions and drawing plans was his form of escapism. Though it was hard to escape when your head was too cloudy to think.
“Donnie what are you doing?” Leo would ask the bō staff held outstretched, as if offering a truce as he held the staff for Donnie to grab. “You don't need anything from here right now and it'll be dawn soon. Stop being stupid and come back to the lair.”
Donnie looked over, his gaze switched from his bō staff to his brother's gaze “I’m not being stupid, Leo. I am taking some much needed space after your constant helicoptering!”
Donnie pinched the bridge of his beak and sighed heavily. “Leo, I'm not trying to start an argument or debate right now. I'm just trying to have some space.”
“You think that leaving without your weapon, with no one knowing where you were going was the best thing to do? Seriously! I need to know where you all are, you-you-I-you could get hurt or get in trouble and we wouldn't even know.” Leo started pacing, the anxiety pulsing through his body needing some sort of outlet.
“No. You'd be far safer in the lair where I can make sure you're all safe for the moment.” Leo started tapping against the bō staff with nerves strung high. “We should go. Now.”
"Shell! Leo! I can't be there for you every second of every day!" Donnie shouted exasperated. He'd exhausted every logical option there was. Donnie twiddled his thumbs in circular, repetitive motions. Using this motion to help himself calm down and breathe, “It feels like you guys never listen to me unless it’s what you want to hear, Leo I was trying to help.”
“I’m supposed to be the one helping you guys Donnie- Master Splinter said that I was to replace him as Sensei as a-” Leo cut himself off. He swallowed thickly but continued calmly, acting as if he hadn't just choked on his words. “If anything happened to him, my duty is to solve all your problems.” Donnie listened to Leo talk, his gaze growing from annoyed to sympathetic and more sad. “Awkward sibling hug?” He offered. Stood there holding out hands, his stance more awkward than purely tense.
“Awkward sibling hug.”
The teen walked over to his older brother, wrapped him in an awkward sibling hug, two gentle pats onto his brother's carapace. “Pat. Pat.” He added trying to lighten the mood a little as he choked out, “You are our brother Leo, you may be our leader but you are our brother first, we can help our problems together.”
Donnie gave a mischievous grin, “Or we could tell Mikey you are bottling up your feelings again?” Knowing his brother would pester at Leo until he cracked. No one could resist Mikey's puppy-dog eyes.
“Okay! Okay! You win, just don’t tell Mikey” Leo would laugh, shaking his head moving to tap his brother's carapace with his hand. “Let’s just go home now before someone sees us.” “Yeah, let’s head home now.” Donnie then diverted his eyes to his staff that Leo offered once again. “Thanks.” He twirled the staff briefly before sheathed it on his back.
They snuck under the familiar fence with the large hole in it and began to make their way home when all of a sudden Bebop and Rocksteady crash down from their rooftop perch heavily. Well Rocksteady did. Bebop more or less landed on top of the rhinoceros.
This caused Leo to immediately settle into the previous preconceived notions he had at the realisation that all of his anxieties were real. If he was stopped by Raph, Donnie would be in so much danger right now. This was proof his system kept them safe because when the system didn't work, they got into dangerous situations and fights.
At least now he could protect his little brother.
#Leonardo 2012#Donatello 2012#TMNT 2012#Midnight Duo#Leonardo-centric#Raph and Mikey duo if you squint really hard#Sunset duo bake#The girls are bitching#Petty fights#how not to cope 101#Leo learns NOTHING#Angst with comfort#Leo has compulsions#author is projecting#Galactic has a hard time writing Leo as he's hard to write#BLESS the local Leo kinnie for helping#Gravity falls ref
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Don’t wait up…
colored this panel from @thegunnsara's Back to the Past comic (part 6) :]
the bottom panel was so striking when I first saw it that I just needed to color it heheh sorry it took a while to finish ><
orig under cut vvvv
#the title is literally nothing I just pulled it out of my ass bcus I wanted a title#first thing I thought of and I didn't want to overthink it wwww#I hope you like it sara#your art is very inspiring to me <3#I'm still learning tho so don't look at it too hard -3- I don't really know what I'm doing#rottmnt#tmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rise of the tmnt#rottmnt au#fuckinnnn idk what else to tag#rottmnt leo#rottmnt donnie#rottmnt raph#kp coloring#I love coloring shit like this it just takes me so long to finish them T-T
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the realization that a 03 leosagi child could be a dragon-bunny hybrid hit me like a derailed freight train a few days ago

i do not know her name or anything else all i know is that her fam is as surprised and awed by her as i am
also that mikey needs a refresher on how biology works

#my art#tmnt#03 tmnt#tmnt leonardo#miyamoto usagi#tmnt leosagi#katanashipping#i love these dumb sword gays sm#here have a child#tmnt michelangelo#tmnt donatello#tmnt raphael#leo lays eggs every like idk 6mo to a year or so after hitting adulthood but no one ever thought any of them would or could be fertile#but don likes to study them sometimes cos yanno#theyre all living medical and biological mysteries#so any oportunity to learn anything at all is worth examining#and just this once#genetics leaned dragon rather than turtle#and while rabbit + turtle = nothing (cos reptiles and mammals)#dragons meanwhile are enough to make all known laws of logic and biology take a quick hike#so rabbit + dragon =?????#i dont intend to actually do anything with this idea i just wanted to draw what a rabbit dragon turtle might look like#also i have no idea how she stands or walks#not that she wouldnt be able to i just have no clue what itd look like#well when shes small shes prolly like the ferrets in the idw comic#but when shes grown???? idk man#does she slither? does she float? does her arms and legs start being like reasonably proportioned?..#who knows!! u decide!!!#shed be such a cute and clumsy toddler tho#(maaay have watched too many @/leafystreet shorts abt his baby geckos. his lil 'hi! welcome to the world!' as they hatch fucking gets me ok
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I'm so immersed in my jason grace new rome uni fic that I'm studying ancient roman law terms using this as an excuse. help.
#I'm COMMITTED fr#I become smart just for these fanfics i swear. i thank the fanfic and fandom community for my thirst for knowledge 😮💨✨#I also remember listening to latin asmrs and learning latin words for reyna and jason :) I need help fr#i hate how I feel the need to want to know EVERYTHING tho 😭 like why do I have to overthink everything#I'm not sure if I should include ancient roman law or common law for jason tho#or he could just learn both as separate classes. the roman law can come under the history category#so he has to learn a bit of everything#political science criminal law economics history civil law corporate law banking law#I'm tired. law students I have always had nothing but respect for you#I won't go TOO deep into what he's studying in the fics tho like I won't mention his lessons in the fic every 5 mins#prolly just him doing presentations and projects then and there#bc like if I go too deep in then I'll get into a writing slump again#bc info dumping is EXHAUSTING it would feel like a school assignment not a fic#pjo#pjo fandom#percy jackson#pjo series#jason grace#pjo hoo#pjo hoo toa#annabeth chase#leo valdez#piper mclean#frank zhang#hazel levesque#jason grace x y/n#jason grace fanfic#jason grace x you#jason grace x reader#࿔‧ ֶָ֢˚˖𐦍˖˚ֶָ֢ ‧࿔ elora's PhD in overthinking
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we don’t address enough the fact that Annabeth and Leo both know Morse code. and Leo taps out “I love you” in Morse code constantly. To the entire rest of the Argo 2 crew Leo is just randomly tapping all the time but Annabeth can tell exactly what he’s tapping, and knows that he knows what he’s tapping out too. That must be so confusing to her since Leo doesn’t talk about his past ever. From her perspective he’s just constantly saying “I love you” to everything? nothing? Unclear.
#pjo#riordanverse#leo valdez#annabeth chase#and knowing Annabeth's character that's probably a mystery that drives her absolutely up the wall#because she hates not knowing things!#why does Leo constantly say 'I love you' in morse code to seemingly nothing? She doesn't know!#and Leo has chronic ''I'll keep all my emotions right here until one day I Die'' so there's almost no way he'd tell her the answer#at least not in casual conversation. the most he's probably said about it is that he learned morse code from his mom#so Annabeth's just left with ''I know how he knows morse code but not *why* he says *this specifically*''
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ik it’s probably a classic case of extrapolating way too much but... the way raph’s character design lines up w his whole arc and role and struggles...
like the fact that he is so so so much bigger than the others. raph is big, raph is strong, raph is steady and sturdy and he can literally pick up his entire family and carry them all at once.
and like, when raph is so big and so strong and such a reliable thing. when raph is the protector, the one calling the shots on missions, the mother hen, the first point of authority. when raph is there, overprotective, when raph (for all that his brothers poke at him not being good under pressure) always always ALWAYS comes through at the end of the day when things are serious, ALWAYS gives it everything he’s got.
his design and his learned role/behaviors in this family are just the perfect storm of why it took up to the season finale to drive home the issue.
so much of the series carries the default energy of “raph will handle it.”
raph will hold up the ceiling above you. raph will throw himself over you and take a hit and get back up and keep fighting. raph has a power that makes him even bigger and draws more attention and makes him able to carry MORE. raph will be the substitute parent. raph will be put into the mentor role through leo’s leadership arc.
and raph is big. he’s built to carry heavy loads. raph is strong. raph is bold and loud and always ready to try to push on. even if he doesn’t know what to do or what he’s doing, he won’t give up and we’ll all pull together and things will turn out okay.
(his room is full of teddy bears. he dipped out on a mission to try to take a picture of a pigeon carrying a slice of pizza. he’s terrified of being alone.
he’s just as much of a kid as his brothers are. he’s just as new and inexperienced with the things happening to them as his brothers are. but for him, for some reason, there’s like this double standard where that becomes a huge glaring flaw.)
idk this got very sloppy and uncoordinated. i’m very in my feelings about raph right now though.
#rottmnt#rise of the tmnt#rottmnt raph#rise raph#rottmnt raphael#honestly i could go on forever and ever about the double standard thing where raph is concerned#like. w movie leo especially leo is learning lessons raph also had to learn in the series! making very similar mistakes!#but you never see analyses or essays pointing to those bad calls as signs that leo isn't up to the task...#(i mean there are some clear Reasons why that happens.)#(its the reason why raph and mikey are the bros who get the least content by a MILE. but. not the point of this post.)#the whole point is just the idle subconscious assumption and associations of it being fine to let raph carry everything#literally physically sure but also metaphorically#and the plight of the child who seems to Need Nothing (all children need; some sadly learn not to appear to need)#even my tags are incoherent rn clenches fists i love him so much is all#like there is a reason it takes to the series finale for him to have a proper breakdown and get actual support from his bros#and i am still mad we never got real good content for him and splinter#considering how similar their arcs ARE....#thats a whole other thing whatever
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this song makes me so unwell because it is sooooo quintessentially pjo like every character has a line here it's insane I'm sobbing so hard
#pjo hoo toa#riordanverse#from my drafts#->#“over the dead sea keeping you company thinking im not afraid of you now”#its the sea of monsters when percy learns to love tyson#its hazel and frank getting to know percy in the son of neptune#its so many things i cant cope#“candescent insects - crosses and fishnets - i have nothing to pray to you now”#nico coming to terms with catholic guilt#unclaimed demigod kids growing resentful of their parents#giving up on being wanted#HELP MEEEE#“villain and violent - infant and innocent - baby both arms cradle you now”#luke's mother waiting for him at home#little leo blaming himself for his mum's death#i cant do this#percy getting a grip on the full extent of his powers and scaring the shit out of everyone#hes just a boy#i am SICK#Spotify#percy jackson#pjo#leo valdez#nico di angelo#tyson pjo#hazel levesque#frank zhang#luke castellan#may castellan
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y'know what we don't talk about enough? Hazel died. We talk about how she grew up in the 30's and 40's and we talk about how out of place she feels in the modern world, but! She died! She was dead! She has spent more time dead than alive, and not by a close margin!
How does that effect a person??? We got some of it in the flashbacks, but once those caught up with her present timeline and she shared them, they just kind of... disappeared. And she was a regular girl with some weird past experiences. That's one way of doing it, sure!
I think it would have been a lot cooler if she was just a touch creepier. If she felt a little bit Wrong. Yeah, in general she's more approachable than her brother, she's more sociable and less closed off, but. If you actually spend any time with her, it can be difficult to tell which child of the underworld is actually more unsettling.
Hazel is bright of personality and has a dazzling smile, but sometimes she'll just... shut down. She'll go completely blank for like half an hour and nobody knows what to do with it. Sometimes she forgets she's alive. Sometimes she'll spout the grimmest shit you've ever heard like it's nothing, she won't even notice it's weird until the room goes quiet. She spent decades in Asphodel, which is designed to make people forget about themselves and wander around for eternity, only she didn't have the luxury of forgetting! Wild! After she comes back to life, sometimes she forgets that she's allowed to Do Stuff now. She can spend so long sitting and staring at nothing. Sometimes she'll start crying on cloudless days because it hits her again that she can actually feel the warmth of the sun on her skin and she can hear birdsong. Every little mundane experience is a blessing and she will make you remember that in the most foreboding way possible.
#hazel levesque#hoo#mj talks#like. i am fascinated with characters who die and come back different and it JUST hit me that there was so much potential for hazel there#the idea of how death lingers was not explored At All in heroes of olympus#of course there's the obvious part in that there were what. 3 named character deaths total? 4 if you count leo#which i very much don't because it didn't stick! there were no consequences to this gigantic war!#the first series did well with that because we had plenty of named characters who died#even though some of them were introduced only to die like six chapters later. we still knew them on some level#and more importantly percy knew them. he felt their loss in a way that made consequences seem real#heroes of olympus didn't have any of that. hazel could have been a great way to talk about it a little more!#also i just love characters who have obviously gone through death. that has to change a person! tell me how it changed you!#anyway. i think i'll make hazel creepier from now on in my writing#she deserves it <3#nico is creepy in an obvious way. he's got power over death and that clings to him like a second skin. he can't hide it#and he's learned that he doesn't have to. there is power in being othered#hazel seems lovely when you first meet her! none of the death power all of the glitter and gold and riches#and then she'll look you dead in the eye and say 'you really don't know how lucky you are to be able to breathe until you can't anymore'#and move on like it's nothing! what!#underworld siblings
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Hey, did you know cattle, goats, sheep etc can't see red? I don't think it'll ever come up in my fic but I want you to know I HC that Draxum thinks his fur is brown and no one has told him he's pink because everyone assumes he knows. - Mudlark
LMAO! I can imagine him not realizing that he's colorblind too. Like December rolls around and he's wondering what's so festive about browns. (oh my god, he really WOULD be that sad beige mom who painted her kid's Christmas tree)
I think rats also have protanopia, and I have theorized in the past that Splinter inherited this when he mutated and that's why Leo is Blue when he has red markings. Put through a filter and his eye bananas literally look cyan blue.
Oh god, I just realized that this would be something they actually agreed on.
#they're like in the middle of arguing and then they both stop and realize that they're agreeing that leo's markings are blue#they learn nothing from this they silently agree to change the subject and never speak of it again#also why did you send this on anon and then sign off on it?#baron draxum
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So, regarding the events of round 9... Yeah I'm not fucking okay right now

#record of ragnarok#Leo my beloved I'm gonna miss you!#Why do I always get attached so easily?! I've learned absolutely nothing from my experience with Lü Bu!
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LIKE. I'm not saying Takumi Can't be mean, he absolutely can be mean. I def feel like his supports w Elise teeter on feeling too mean for my liking (but also the fact that it's Elise he's talking to could be a factor in why I feel that way like!!!!!!!! How are you gonna be mean to Elise 😭😭😭💔💔💔💔)
BUT. It does feel in line for him. ESP given the context that she's one of the princesses of Nohr. And maybe it feels A Bit better too, because Elise is being just as stubborn as he is, but in her own way for her own goal (wanting to befriend him). Even when it's clear Elise is hurt and disappointed, it just... doesn't feel as sad as it does with Felicia??? Maybe because of how she handles it as well.
ALSO I think the payoff for Takumi's fuck ups are ESPPP rewarding in Elise's convos, when he does apologize and make up with her. His supports with her are actually some of my favorites, they are SO sweet and so fun 🥺 (DYING when she calls him "kid" like. That is SO funny to me. Elise is just a brilliant character herself LMFAO)
Idk. I just think. They should have handled his supports w Felicia differently. He can still be mean, and it can even feel bad as an audience member looking at it, but I think if it had the right context/right payoff it would have been fine at worst and rewarding at best.
#fire emblem#getting off my soap box about it now LMFAOOOOOO#but i did wanna make it clear like. i am actually SO careful all of the time that i'm not idealizing asshole charas#like i do this a lot w alfonse/lif as well. where i'm constantly checking myself almost.#like if a chara has asshole tendencies. if they can come off cold or mean. it's important to acknowledge that#and important to honor it. give them space TO be that way. analyze why. bc that's EXTREMELY important.#it gives you SO much information about that character.#but also i could not tell you why charas like takumi alfonse and lif appeal to me so much#when characters like leo do nothing for me. like. he's there and he sure has trauma.#and also not to. dangeriously teeter on being a hater. but i have no patience or interest in charas like felix.#i really don't know what it is. this sort of inexplicable charm factor that just is or isn't there.#LIKE. EVEN BEYOND FE. arven is a BRILLIANT example of a chara who can be an ass#but the more you learn about him even BEFORE you learn about his dog like. you learn OH HE. has a BIG heart.#at least for me anyway the moment he called me 'little buddy' i could just tell oh he's. good actually. the charm.#IDK. ENOUGH. EXPLODE 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥#fe takumi#fe elise#fe felicia
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:) ← is sitting and doing nothing
#i am happy ngl#but i should be studying!!!!!#i love being in my overalls and pretty striped shirt and do nothing#but i have a latin test on wednesday!!!!! and probably a history one on thursday!!!!!!!!!#and i also need to study piano and physics and learn a coupld of songs#please help me#i'm so not chilling rn#leo scrive
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nepo boyfriend - fc43
summary: franco colapinto is dating leo messi's daughter, which makes him a "nepo boyfriend"
folkie radio: GUYSSS HERE IT IS! took me a minute to do this requests but there you have it. i had to educate myself on messi lore for this and omg he has the cutest love story with his wife, im obsessed lol. anyway, i hope you like this!

liked by francolapinto, olliebearman and 202,826 others
yn.messi home 🤍🇦🇷
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username1 IT GIRLLL
username2 coolest nepo baby
username3 ESPERA is that franco colapinto??
└ username1 she's been dating franco for years now 👀
└ username4 our boy stealing messi's daughter's heart purrrr
username5 little messi has a boyfriend???
└ username1 yeah he's literally argentina's next f1 star
francolapinto mi hogar está dondequiera que estés ♥️ [home is wherever you are]
└ yn.messi 🫂🤍
username6 imagine your dad being the most famous sportsman ever and dating a cute guy and wearing cute outfits. she has the dream life
username7 i can’t wait for franco to make it to f1 so they become the paddock it couple
liked by francolapinto, yn.messi and 509,268 others
williamsracing BREAKING: Franco Colapinto joins Williams Racing for the rest of the 2024 season. Welcome to the family, @/francolapinto!
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username1 OMFGGGGG
username2 poor logan but franco is really talented he deserves this chance !!
username3 HES SO CUTE HELLO??
yn.messi mi campeón 🫶✨ [my champion]
└ francolapinto ❤️🔥❤️🔥
└ username1 LEO MESSI’S DAUGHTER??
alex_albon Welcome to the team mate!
└ francolapinto gracias Alex! Ready to learn 💪
leomessi 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
└ username2 LEO COMMENTING ON F1 POST??? history
└ username3 argentina’s pride and joy already
username6 new fans you better learn the franco lore bc there’s plenty of it

liked by francolapinto, lilymhe and 389,766 others
yn.messi first of many. orgullosa de vos siempre 🤍 [proud of you always]
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username1 awe 🥹🥹🥹🥹
username2 MY BABIES
username3 THEY’RE TOGETHER ???
francolapinto gracias por todo mi amor ❤️ [thank you for everything my love]
└ username1 someone check if i'm breathing
└ yourinstagram i love you!
└ username1 that's real love right there
└ username2 watching them grow together >>>>>>
williamsracing Our favorite supporter 💙
└ yn.messi 🫶🫶
lilymhe welcome! 🥹💗💗
username5 my girl really said forget football i'm going racing
└ username1 leo watching his princess date a racer instead of a footballer: 🧍♂️
└ username2 the crossover we didn't know we needed
username6 remember when we thought those pics in buenos aires were edited??
username8 first we got leo bringing us the world cup now franco in f1 🇦🇷
└ username2 and yn connecting both worlds, iconic behavior
username9 the way he looks at her in the first pic >>>>>

liked by username1, username2 and 56,827 others
f1gossip 🚨 Williams driver Franco Colapinto spotted with YN Messi (yes, THAT Messi's daughter) at dinner in Monaco
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└ username2 they've literally been together for like four years 😭
└ username3 where have you been living?? under a rock??
username4 messi's daughter dating an f1 driver?? didn't see this coming
└ username2 she's been at every race supporting him!
username5 they're literally the cutest couple in f1 rn
username6 probably just wants messi's connections for sponsors tbh
└ username2 he literally got the williams seat on merit stfu
└ username3 tell me you know nothing about franco without telling me
username7 she could do better than a pay driver
└ username2 clearly you haven't watched a single f2 race
└ username3 worry about your own life challenge
└ username4 he's literally argentina's biggest racing talent in years
username8 why isn't she dating a footballer instead??
└ username2 because she can date whoever she wants??
username9 they've been together for ages, internet using internet internet explorer fr
└ username3 real ones remember their first spotting in buenos aires
username10 the amount of sponsorship money williams must be getting
username11 this is actually so cute. from f2 to f1 together

liked by username1, username2 and 5,028 others
francoupdates here are some pics of franco and yn messi through the years since some of you are new to this
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username2 power couple since day ONE
username3 that pic of her at the pitwall watching him race >>>>>
└ username1 the way she still does this at every race 🥺
username5 they were so tiny i can’t
username6 LOS AMO
username7 young yn watching franco race vs now analyzing his data
username8 here to spread the colapinto x messi agenda
username9 argentina’s it couple since forever
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liked by landonorris, yourinstagram and 1,023,477 others
francolapinto Points ✅ BZRP cap ✅ Nepo boyfriend things ✅
Gracias por el apoyo! [thank you for the support]
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username1 FRANCOOOO 😩😩
username2 he’s never letting the nepo boyfriend thing go i love him
username3 this divaaaa
yn.messi and they said dating messi's daughter got you the seat... weird way to spell pure talent
└ francolapinto clearly i'm the worst nepo boyfriend ever
└ francolapinto te amo hermosa ❤️
williamsracing More of this please! 💙
username4 worst nepo boyfriend ever actually delivers results
username5 embarrassing nepotism attempt tbh
username6 not him actually being talented and making us all proud
leomessi 🙌🙌 Vamos!
└ username1 JUST ICONIC
└ yn.messi the payment for his permanent seat is due next week don’t forget!
└ username2 IM SCREAMING
username8 the way they're both trolling the haters i love them sm

liked by francolapinto, alexandrasaintmleux and 402,277 others
yn.messi mi lugar favorito [my favorite place] 🤍 pit stop before mexico city
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username1 AWEEEEE
username2 how can anyone hate this couple
francolapinto perdiste en fifa mi amor [you lost in fifa]
└ yn.messi te dejo ganar 😌 [i let you win]
└ landonorris exposed by your own girlfriend mate
└ username1 I LOVE THEM SO BAD
leomessi ❤️
username4 this is what we mean by relationship goals
username6 football royalty 🤝 f1
username7 this is such a great crossover i can’t
username8 LOS AMO [i love them]
lilyhme 💗💗
username9 taking franco to her dad’s matches 🥹🥹
username10 i’m so parasocial about them

liked by username1, yn.messi and 12,043 others
francoupdates Franco opens up about his relationship with YN Messi in recent interview:
"I met her at an event in Argentina back in 2019. She didn't even know what DRS was back then and now she corrects my racing lines in the sim. We grew up together through all this - F3, F2, now F1. She's been there through the tough times, sleeping in paddocks, the uncertain seasons. The nepotism jokes are funny because if you knew how many nights we spent budgeting for the next race... Being Leo Messi's daughter was never part of our story. It was just YN and Franco, trying to make it work while chasing a dream and loving each other very much”
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└ yn.messi someone has to 🤷🏻♀️
└ username1 HI YN I LOVE YOU 😭
username3 "just YN and Franco" 🥺
└ username2 this is actually so wholesome
username4 "budgeting for the next race" but they said nepotism 🙄
username6 MY CORAZON [my heart]
username7 haters don’t know a single thing about their story, they have been soulmates for years now
username8 cute but we do need messi connections for that seat 😩
username10 real ones have been here since that buenos aires spotting
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francolapinto added to their stories

[the prettiest is ready for vegas]
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liked by yn.messi, williamsracing and 678,923 others
francolapinto 3 more races let's gooo! ready to prove nepotism requires talent sometimes 😌✌🏼 (yn stop rolling your eyes at my jokes mi amor)
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username1 I LOVE HIM SO BAD
username2 he’s never letting the nepo boyfriend jokes go
yn.messi i'll stop rolling my eyes when you stop missing apex points honey 😘
└ alex_albon she's got data to back this up mate
└ williamsracing YN: 1, Franco: 0
└ username1 I LOVE THEM SM
username5 no one can convince me they aren’t the best couple ever
username6 bro got called a nepo boyfriend once and now that’s his brand
landonorris 😂😂😂
username7 okay but when is messi going to get franco a seat fr
username8 worst nepo kid ever he doesn’t even have a seat yeat

liked by username1, username2 and 43,022 others
f1gossip Franco Colapinto and YN Messi spotted getting cozy at XS Nightclub in Vegas after qualifying 🎰 Apparently someone forgot Papa Messi might see these 👀
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└ username2 man's risking it all before his first full season
username2 breaking: franco colapinto will not race tomorrow due to mysterious disappearance
└ username3 leo messi spotted buying a plane ticket to vegas
username4 it was nice knowing you franco 😭
username6 someone check on franco pls
username7 pov: you forgot your girlfriend's dad is literally lionel messi
username8 leo messi about to show up at williams garage

liked by francolapinto, lilymhe and 401,827 others
yn.messi vegas was fun ‼️ papi please don’t check your phone
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username1 HEEEEEELPP
alex_albon Kids these days.. they don’t know how you behave
└ username1 imagine alex just babysitting them at the club 😭
username4 just in: leonel messi spotted planning vehicular manslaughter
francolapinto i’m scared..
└ username1 WE ALL ARE
└ username2 THIS IS TOO FUNNY
francolapinto hermosa 😍😍
└ username3 he said yup my gf’s dad could kill me but i’m still thirsting over her
landonorris 😂😂😂😂 never a dull day with y’all
username7 franco consider witness protection
alexandrasaintmleux been there donde that…
username9 there goes your possible seat franco leo messi is not paying for it anymore
username10 MENACES

liked by username1, username2 and 29,726 others
francoupdates Franco with one of YN’s little brothers in Qatar! The Messi’s are there to watch him race 🥹
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username1 OH MY LORDDDDD
username3 her dad is there to have a chat with franco about those pictures in las vegas
username5 this is so adorable and the fact that yn’s brothers know him since they were born lrettt much 🥹🥹
username7 leo be like: hello franco i just want to talk
username9 yn tried to hide her dad’s phone and he just showed up at the paddock with the whole fam
username10 I LIVE FOR THIS

liked by username1, username2 and 43,098 others
f1gossip"Yeah, no pressure right? But honestly, they're like my second family now. Leo's probably more nervous than me - he keeps sending me good luck messages. Thiago and Mateo have been explaining F1 to Ciro all week. And YN... well, she's in bossy mode so she's more focused on telling me where I'm losing time than giving good luck kisses. But having them here means everything." - Franco talking about his girlfriend's family watching him race in Qatar!
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username2 leo sending good luck texts is killing me
username4 imagine getting good luck texts from messi 😭
username6 messi family taking over qatar paddock we love to see it
username8 yn's dad is there to buy franco a set soooo trueee
username9 GOOD LUCK KISSES 🥺
username10 the way he lights up mentioning yn though └ username1 even if she's roasting his racing lines 😭

liked by yn.messi, landonorris and 1,026,287 others
francolapinto Special helmet for Qatar 🇶🇦Celebrando la copa del mundo [celebrating the world cup] ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Had to honor the greatest of all time and well... my future father in law 😅 Gracias Leo por todo [thank you for everything], specially for not killing me for dating your daughter
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username1 FRANCO OMFG
yn.messi "future father in law" someone's feeling brave today
└ francolapinto had to shoot my shot mi amor
└ leomessi 👀
username5 bro using a helmet reveal to ask for blessing, respect
landonorris At least the man’s got game 😂
└ username1 leo reading that caption: 🔪
username7 future father in law... franco woke up fearless
williamsracing Lovely helmet design! Also, security has been increased around the garage
alex_albon might need witness protection after this one mate
└ yn.messi don't worry guys papa already knew about the helmet
username10 never beating the nepo boyfriend allegations
username11 buttering messi up so he can buy him a seat we know

liked by lilymhe, francolapinto and 402,389 others
yn.messi my nepo boyfriend who couldn't even get a point in his first race just finished his first formula 1 season 🥹 so proud of you mi amor, from watching you race karts to F1... i'd say dating the goat’s daughter worked out pretty well 😌❤️ @/francolapinto
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username1 THIS IS SO CUTE
username2 the second pic i’m SOBBING
francolapinto from being the worst nepo boyfriend to getting points... all thanks to you mi amor ❤️
└ yn.mesi you're still the worst nepo boyfriend but i love you
└ alex_albon get a room you two
williamsracing Nepo strategy successful ✅
username3 living the nepo dream fr
username5 from karting girlfriend to f1 wag upgrade
username6 they keep bringing up the nepo boyfriend thing 😭
└ username1 she'll never let him live it down
username8 the nepo jokes never get old
alexandrasaintmleux 🥹🥹🥹🥹
leomessi Estamos muy orgullosos ❤️
└ username2 franco you’re so loved
└ username2 the way she never stops teasing him though

liked by yn.messi, landonorris and 1,011,965 others
francolapinto What a year... Couldn't have done this without my biggest supporter since karting days @/yn.messi ❤️ Thank you for believing in me even when I was "the worst nepo boyfriend" 😅
And to the entire Messi family - gracias por hacerme sentir parte de la familia desde el primer día. Leo, gracias por confiarme lo más precioso que tienen (y por no matarme todavía).
[thank you for making me feel part of the family since day one. Leo, thank you for trusting me with your most precious treasure (and for not killing me yet).]
Time to work harder for 2025 💪🏼
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username2 this is so CUTE
yn.messi still the worst nepo boyfriend but i guess you're MY worst nepo boyfriend ❤️
└ francolapinto te amo mi amor
└ username1 THEY’RE THE CUTEST
username3 “trusting me with your most precious treasure” IM DEADDDD
username4 man wrote a whole love letter to the messis
└ username1 AS HE SHOULD
leomessi You’re family 🤍 [eres familia]
└ username2 from fearing leo to being adopted by him
williamsracing Family ✅ Points ✅ 2025 loading...
└ username3 GIVE HIM A SEAT
└ username1 securing that messi blessing
#franco colapinto#franco colapinto x reader#franco colapinto x you#franco colapinto fanfic#franco colapinto fanfiction#franco colapinto fluff#franco colapinto smau#franco colapinto fic#f1#formula 1#formula one#f1 x reader#f1 x you#f1 fanfic#f1 social media au#formula 1 x reader#formula 1 x you#harrysfolklore#fc43 x reader#fc43 imagine
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And here we go. For the full experience I would recommend reading while listening to THIS SONG. It inspired a vast majority of the scene as well as the timing, though I fear you'd have to read pretty fast to get to the ending at the same time as the song ends, so uh... good luck! Trigger warnings below:

The Day the Sky Bled Red
Whew. I'm so glad to finally be done with these big updates. After over a year I will finally be able to return to my smaller update format.
Some keen viewers might notice the reuse of certain shots from the series. There is very much intentional, though the reason for this will not be made clear until the ending of the arc.
As of the final shot we are FINALLY back to present-day in the Replica timeline (if it wasn't obvious). I'd drop in a timeline for reference but uh... I maxed out on the Tumblr images. Oh well. Hopefully the context clues were enough to help though!
I do want to take a moment to TED Talk about Raph's ninpo, if that's alright. Unlike his brothers, Raph didn't really spend much time trying to come up with unique ways of using his abilities. Why improve what already worked for him? However, I do think one interesting ability could have come naturally to him over time. I always found his way of mentally connecting with his brothers as "Mind Raph" to be a fascinating joke in the series. They way he could help and communicate with his brothers is something that was always really important to him and I see that ability bleeding into his ninpo. Because of this I feel that his Raph clones were always able to find and reach his brothers no matter the distance. His ability to interact with them at the same time was something he was still learning in the series, like when Mind Raph apologized to Leo for taking a moment too long to respond because he was busy helping someone else. Because of this I see his clones being able to react and communicate independently (kind of like Naruto clones), but are in constant connection to the original source, Raph himself. This made it really easy for Raph to relay information to the brothers, though it was seldom needed since Donnie's ninpo tech normally had that covered. On another note, I also wanted to make a point that whenever one of the brothers died in the bad future timeline, it was when they were separated from their brothers. I always liked in the movie how it wasn't until the brothers worked together that they were able to regain their abilities, confront the Krang, and even open portals to different dimensions. I wanted that lesson to resonate in Replica as well, even if subtly. Anyways, thanks for coming to my TED Talk!
The rest of the arc will be a lot less action, but still plenty more emotions. I can't promise that we won't be doing more flashbacks in the future but nothing to the extent of the "Holiday Special." We got a story to get through after all!
Thank you so much everyone for your patience with me as I slowly inch my way through this big story. It means a lot to me! I promise the next update will not be so emotionally draining.
#finally done#30 pages exactly#I might need to do a “reminder” update to remind everyone what happened last in present day Replica#it's been so long#why did it take so long??#rottmnt#rottmnt replica#replica#kathaynesart#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#save rottmnt#tmnt#unpause rise of the tmnt#unpause rottmnt#leonardo#raphael#donatello#michelangelo#april o'neil#casey jones#casey junior#tw blood#tw violence#tw language#tw death
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Slay Astro placements pt 3
Venus/Uranus positively aspected (trine, CONJUNCTION, sextile): this is by far the most magnetic aspects you can have (especially in conjunction) your vibe is very electrifying. People are super drawn to you & you have the ability to attract friends and admirers from every walk of life. These people can really get along with everyone & are usually super fun to be around. It’s never a dull moment around these individuals. You have a very unique/shocking personality & style. This can be a big fashionista placement and are really creative when it comes to putting certain clothing together. (They could have a really cool Pinterest aesthetic as well). They can be seen as very quirky but they usually pull it off in a very cool way which makes people want to copy them! Big social butterflies & always have exciting stories they share because they are always going on crazy adventures. However they can have a difficult time with long term commitments and romance because of their need for freedom. A lot of big influencers have this placement.
Fire grand trine: if you have this configuration in your chart you have big star quality! A grand trine in any element is considered super lucky & rare but I notice in the fire element they tend to be a lot less lazy & it’s easier for them to go for what they want without procrastination ( grand trines have a tendency to make the native lazy with their talents). You have a larger than life personality & have the ability to attract people and opportunities to you as easy as pie. They posses a lot of energy & ambition which makes getting what they want very easy. Big manifestor energy! Anything they put their mind to they can achieve. A lot of celebrities and models (ex; Cara Delevine) have this they usually have an easier time in life and have an easier time finding joy in life than most. They need to watch out tho for being to impulsive & making rash decisions when they become too excited. It’s good to learn grounding tips so they don’t go astray from their goals.
Venus in Leo: this is honestly one of my favorite Venus placements. These people are sooo put together. They can wear a plastic bag and still look like a baddie. Usually big into luxury and you’ll see them wear a lot of designer, name brand shoes, pretty jewelry, expensive perfumes. They usually smell AMAZING omg (especially with VIRGO or Libra in their chart 😩). They tend to be very ambitious as well! Because of their love for luxury & the good things in life they are normally very money driven & I’ve met a lot who get straight As. They are very self assured & know their worth from a very young age. It’s princess treatment or nothing with them. They usually attract partners that show them off & worship the ground they walk on (bc honestly the accept nothing less). They can have a worship kink. They also treat their partners really well too with a lot of attention and grand gestures, dates & gifts. A lot of people envy them and their relationships. Just know you getting taken care of if these natives love you! Very popular placement as well.
Jupiter in the 12th: these natives are so divinely protected & can be super lucky especially when they are practicing any type of spirituality. They have a lot of angels around them! (My mom had this placement and she had a lot of psychic randomly walk up to her in stores and tell her that there were angels around her😳 super cool). These people experience a lot of supernatural shit in their life & can be lowkey psychic (especially in their dreams). They are able to escape from a lot of terrible situations unharmed. This also creates someone that has a very beautiful selfless soul🥺 they are sooo pure at heart. They are usually into things like volunteering, helping the poor/cooking for them, volunteering in foreign third world countries ect. When they aren’t practicing anything spiritual or are giving to others however they can become very lost in life so it’s important for them to give themselves to others selflessly to increase their good luck. Don’t do these people wrong in any way! They are so protected that karma will fuck your life up forreal. Has a very unforgettable vibe especially romantically.
Uranus conjunct mercury: this placement gives Einstein vibes. So many people who are geniuses or savants have this placement in their chart. This gives a very out of the box creative type of thinking to the native. They have the ability to see patterns others usually miss. Their brain works like the speed of light and they can pick up on concepts and academics faster than most. Their brains work in lightening speed! A lot of famous scientists and philosophers have this aspect in their chart. Being super smart however can have its downfalls. These people usually suffer from overthinking because of the amount of information they are able to absorb & suffer from head aches a lot. This can also cause anxiety because you could be ahead of your time cognitively making it really difficult for others your age to understand your thought process. These people have a great out if the box sense of humor as well! Their intelligence makes them able to think of some of the most creative funniest lines.
Sun in positive aspect with the moon (trine, conjunct, sextile) : these individuals are very in tuned with themselves & are usually very comfortable expressing & understanding their emotions more than most. A lot of people are down to them because of how secure they are with themselves & are able to deal with difficult feelings with ease. They have the ability to make others feel comfortable being themselves around them because of their accepting and open natures. They are normally more comfortable being/showing vulnerability than most & their masculine & feminine energies are usually very balanced within them. They are super affectionate and have hearts of gold for the ones they love. They usually know what they want and who they are from a very young age which can make it easy for them to go for what they want since their is little confliction internally. They are guided by their hearts and don’t let others projections get in the way of what they truly desire & want which I think is so special. They can however be over emotional at times and people can take advantage of them a lot because of how giving their natures are:( overall though very good people usually.
Jupiter in cancer/4th house: these people are probably your favorite family member. They are that cousin & aunty that if there aren’t at the family reunion then it’s super dull. They know how to bring people together by their loving charismatic natures. They will do anything for their family and usually grow up being really supported by family members as well. Most I notice came from wealthier families. And if they weren’t wealthy they were all very close to the native and helped them a lot when it comes to achieving goals. Usually they are the breadwinners of the family. They could’ve grown up in a very culturally diverse household where they learned a lot about different ways of living or was able to travel a lot to places most people don’t get to see. Could’ve grown up with big family reunions and a lot of fun feasts and holidays/traditions. Because of the great support in their upbringings they have are usually very wise and emotionally mature even from a young age. Their emotional world is very colorful and can put themselves in others shoes with ease (very big spiritual teacher aspect). Billie Eilish has this aspect and she always says how growing up her family was her rock and she brings them to all her tours. Could be especially close to the mother or grandmother (4th house ruling mother/grandma). When they have a family of their own it’s most likely going to be big and they normally have a very beautiful big house/home. They are normally amazing parents when they decide to have a child of their own.
Taurus or Libra in the 5th house: another big pretty privilege placement. These people are usually very appealing to the eye and tend to enjoy very Venusian hobbies such as art, fashion, beauty, cooking ect. They tend to be very pleasant partners and attract very pretty spouses as well! This can also indicate having very beautiful children when they ever decide to have them. A lot of people in the modeling industry have a Venusian 5th house. Libra tends to be a very flirtatious placement when in the 5th house and are usually able to find their soulmates/ marry at a very early age. Taurus in the 5th may take a little longer to find their soulmates (usually they find them when financially stable) but once they do they are in it for the long haul and their partners are usually quite wealthy or are very good at investing. Taurus in the 5th tend to have a natural charm about them which makes the irresistible to the opposite sex. (Or same sex depending on what you are into). Both can attract a lot of money and admirers in their lifetime.
Juno in the 1st house or 7th: hubby/wifey material. If these people love you trust me you have a rider for life. These people are super loyal and naturally know what it takes to keep a stable long lasting healthy partnership. They are amazing at compromising & will stay with you thru thick or thin. Could’ve dreamed of marriage from a very young age (especially in the 7th). They usually attract partners that see eye to eye with them & have similar ways of thinking which can cause little issues in their marriages. They have the ability to attract others like them! However these people can struggle with having an identity outside of their partnerships and can become very codependent when in love so it’s important to separate yourself from your lover from time to time to not become too overbearing. Overall though very lucky in love & tend to marry early.
Venus/mercury: smooth talker alert. These people can charm the pants off anyone! It’s actually more rare to have this aspect considering it can only be in either conjunction or sextile. Just by the way you speak and engage can make other fall head over heels for you, you know just what to say & your timing with words are impeccable. I notice these people can have very pretty/sexy talking voices (would be very successful in a podcast because people just live hearing you talk) and they can also be very good singers as well. Usually have perfect pitch naturally. Tend to have very beautiful minds. Their words can be very inspiring as well if they ever choose a public speaking career & they have the ability to connect with so many people just by their words. Can use their hands a lot when they speak which makes you even more engaging
North node in Leo: your whole mission in this lifetime is to SHINEEE. This is such a cool north node to have. In another life you could’ve tried very hard to fit into others and hide the quirks that make you special. You could’ve been very involved in humanity and being involved in a community/friendgroup (south node Aquarius) you could’ve been very detached and independent. In this life however you are meant to stray away from groups and lead! This north node is all about fun & self expression. Deep down you have amazing charisma and charm the you may of had to water down to please others but in this lifetime you are here to stand out not fit in. You are meant to be a STAR. Don’t shy away from the stage or give it to someone else it’s all about YOU not other anymore. You are here to experience romance and learn how to connect deeper with your vulnerability. You’re going from mind to heart in this life. This is a big main character placement imo. Big artists like Beyoncé have this north node. This placement is about finding what makes YOU happy and feel good which I find so beautiful🥹.
Leo sun: you radiate warmth everywhere you go. Like the sun you are able to attract others to you and almost give life to the fullness of life. Your large than life personality and positive outlook draws so many opportunities to you. The world is your stage and YOU are the main character. You are super confident in yourself from a very young age and adore the attention you get from others (they get A LOT of attention). You are a natural entertainer and enjoy making others laugh/ inspiring people. Usually into artistic hobbies such as music, art, comedy, dance, poetry ect. The sun rules Leo so this is one of the most fruitful/comfortable placements for the sun to be in. You have this natural love for yourself that teaches others to love themselves as well♥️ if you aren’t careful you can become a little too attention hungry and only think of yourself which can cause you to receive more negative attention than positive. So make sure you give others a chance to shine as well.
Virgo mercury: these people are so well spoken & are super smart. They have such logical minds and have a very vast vocabulary from what I’ve observed. They are extremely clear in their communication as well which is something I admire (cries in Pisces mercury 🥲). They are usually at the top of their class & have little issues in acedemics. They are huge perfectionists and have an eye for detail. They will not hand in their work until it’s PERFECT. I notice a lot of people with this aspect are love reading as well! A lot of people with this placement are amazing writers and a lot of top novelists have their mercury in Virgo. These are the types to read the dictionary to expand their wordplay. However these people can struggle with a lot of anxiety because of how much they think & how hard they try to make everything “perfect”. They can have problems with never feeling satisfied with their work even if their work is incredible. Don’t be so hard on yourselves:(
Castle configuration: this configuration is pretty rare in the chart. This is where you have a grand trine accompanied by two sextiles on the side creating a castle pattern in the chart. This pattern gives great strength and fortitude. Those who have this pattern are natural born leaders and have the potential to achieve great things in life by their drive alone. This pattern is found in a lot of CEOS, businessmen & great politicians. This gives you the ability to succeed in any field you put your mind to. This gives an amazing level of confidence and ambition. & because of their charisma they are able to attract a lot of relationships with powerful individuals that can help them get to where they need to go in life. Their relationships with others too are usually strong and long lasting. The only issue with this is that these natives can be very rash and impulsive when it comes to decisions but they always prevail even thru their mistakes. This is super lucky and rarely shows up in charts. (North west Kardashian actually has this in her chart).
POF in the 11th house: these people naturally attracted like minded individuals/ friends that help them to become successful in life. The Friedan these people make in this lifetime will be powerful and very influential. The 11th house is also the house of hopes and wishes so it’s no wonder these people are natural manifestors! Anything they wish for and desire are more likely to manifest in the physical compared to others. They can be amazing at networking and can gain a mass following by just being themselves. This is a big entrepreneur placement. They have the ability to create meaningful bonds with others and can have friendships that last a lifetime. They can become very well known toward the end of their life or when they reach a mature age.
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I love all your fics!!! From Alexia’s foundation can we get an Alexia x reader fic where you guys have a kid and Alexia won’t even take it easy on her own child while playing soccer
take it easy II a.putellas
"alexia." the blondes face softened at the call of her name, perking up as you smiled apologetically at the few other parents you scooted past to drop down into the empty seat beside your wife.
"hola mi amor." she pressed a kiss to your cheek as you scooted a little closer. "que?" she frowned seeing the obviously amused smile on your face as you looked at her.
"i have something..." she wiped at her mouth, having had a coffee not that long ago as you let out a chuckle and shook your head. "no, but you were making that face again." her frown only deepened at your answer.
"what face?" "the face." "what face?"
"this face." you mocked her stern scowl, sitting back in your chair and crossing your arms, practically glaring at the pitch where your son was running around, his training almost finished and the sun starting to dip lower behind the trees.
clicking her tongue at you the footballer just waved you off with a shake of her hand, though by the way she continued to fidget and adjust her position you knew she was now too aware of the way her face looked.
"what is wrong with my face?" your wife eventually huffed as the final whistle blew, all the boys huddling up with their coach as some of the parents began to stand and make their way over to the gate.
"nothing baby, i like your face. i married it." you pinched her cheek as she puffed air out of her nose and rolled her eyes simultaneously.
"why you make fun of it!" she scowled again, the accented english adorable as always, both of you speaking a blend of spanish, catalan and english around your son so he learned both your native languages equally.
"amor i am not making fun of it. but it makes him nervous when you sit and scowl like that!" you laughed as her frown shifted into something more curious. "who is nervous? leo?" alexia questioned.
"no amor, his coach!" you snickered, knocking your knee into hers and nodding down to where sure enough your sons five a side coach was sparing the pair of you, mainly your wife, nervous glances every now and then.
"see? this is why i said i would drop him off and pick him up today. have you been here the whole time?" you raised an eyebrow as your wife shrugged. "parents are allowed to stay."
"parents maybe, not professional footballers." you smiled, waving at leo as he spotted you with the same bright eyed grin that perfectly mirrored your wife.
"you make him nervous because of instead of watching leo you watch him and how he trains the boys. but they are five alexia! this isn't la masia." you teased as the blonde pulled a face, standing to her feet and offering you a hand up as the team dispersed, all running toward their parents.
"no if this was la masia, they would be winning games." alexia mumbled as you shot her a look and pinched her in warning, your sons team on quite the losing streak much to your over achieving high expectations having wifes displeasure.
"again amor, they are five." you reminded quietly as she hummed, leo sprinting over with his little cleats clacking against the pavement. alexia crouched down and braced right as he crash tackled into her, easily picking him up and spinning him around with a kiss to his cheek which was wiped off in seconds.
"you did so good today! i saw your goal." you praised as your son hugged your leg tightly, ruffling his sweaty hair as he beamed up at you, grabbing your hand and chattering away faster than you could even process the words.
"mami can we go kick the ball? i'm not tired yet!" your son begged, eyes looking pleadingly up at the blonde who smiled. "sí, cariño. i just want to go and speak to your coach about something-" you clicked your tongue at her but before you could even utter a word she was gone.
"vamos niño, mami can meet us at the car."
you watched on with a soft smile as your wife and son chased and raced around after one another in the park not far from your house, makeshift goals set up using sticks.
"mama! foul!" leo yelled to you from the ground as alexia tripped him, stealing the ball and booting it right into her goal, raising her hands to the sky victoriously. "amor." you cautioned her with a warning glare.
"que? that was clean!" she waved you off, leo already back up and on his feet with a scowl. "foul!" he parroted pointing accusingly at alexia. "foul. penalty kick awarded!" you did your best attempt at a whistle, will cheering and sprinting off to get the ball.
"let him score." you warned your wife once he was out of earshot. "en serio?" the midfielder scoffed in disbelief at the request. "sí alexia, he is five!" you hissed as leo returned, eagerly lining up for the kick.
"vamos mami!" he whined impatiently as you gave your wife a look and she walked off to the goal, standing in as keeper as leo took a few steps back and readied himself, hand shooting up in the air making you grin and alexia hide her smile.
"go!" you clapped, leo lurching forwards and booting the ball which sailed through the air...and right into alexias hands. "no goal!" your wife announced as leo slumped over, scowl returning and kicking at the grass.
"mama i wanna go home." he near levitated to your side, frown still etched into his features. "what! leo-" alexia called out but he was already off, stomping toward the car as you stood.
"see? you could not just let him score? idiota." you smacked her arm and snatched the ball, following after your son as alexia sighed deeply, resisting the urge to roll her eyes.
"leo we have to learn to lose cariño!" "i lose every week mami!" alexia winced a little at that as you all got into the car, maybe you had a point.
"lo siento hijo. how about when we get home i teach you a bicycle kick?" "sí sí sí!" "no alexia! he will break his neck!"
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